The List Committee is a sub-committee of the Pharmacy Council.
It was established under the provisions of Section II of the First Schedule of the Pharmacy Act.
Role Of The Committee
- To perform duties of the Council as provided for, in Section 17 of the Pharmacy Act
- To review and determine the conditions of sale of pharmaceutical products
- Report regularly to the Ministry of Health and Wellness on issues of concern
- To perform any other duty as decided by the Council
The committee is constituted as follows:
- Chairman of Council (Ex-officio)
- Committee Chair – Council member
- Three (3) Members of Council
- Two (2) Co-opted Members
- Registrar of Council
- 2 Pharmacy Inspectors
The quorum of the List Committee shall be fifty-percent (50%) of the membership plus one.
Scope Of Work
- Evaluating the material for continuing education of pharmacists regarding reclassified pharmaceuticals
- Processing requests for reclassification of pharmaceuticals
- Identifying specific registered pharmaceuticals for reclassification
- Recommending to the Council, public education programmes regarding pharmaceutical products
- Reviewing pharmaceutical products submitted from the Ministry of Health and Wellness for classification into either List 1 or List 2 drugs
Proceedings of all meetings are confidential.
The Chairman of the List Committee informs the Pharmacy Council of its discussions and recommendations, through a written report.
Procedure And Meetings
The List Committee meets on the fourth Monday of every other month.